I’ve partnered with Gerber® Good Start® Soothe Infant Formula and received samples. With this, I bring you my honest views and opinions towards infant formula which are 100% my own.

There’s something about those first few moments after taking a pregnancy test and watching that second line fade in. A flush of excitement, nervousness, joy, laughter and finally tears – and they all happen at the same time. When I was pregnant with my first, I had pictured perfectly in my mind how everything was going to be with my newborn. It didn’t take too long after he was born that I realized nothing was going to go the way I planned!

The very first hurdle with my newborn was my inability to breastfeed the way I had imagined. Between not latching correctly and not having a good supply of milk I was left with a hungry, crying newborn and no clue as to how to handle the situation. That’s when I decided to try using formula

Surviving the first year with a newborn. Less colic and more smiles! #formulaforhapiness #ad #gerber

Surviving the first year with a newborn. Less colic and more smiles! #formulaforhapiness #ad #gerber

Life drastically improved once my baby had a full tummy and I got some much needed sleep! This new mom thing seemed pretty easy at first – then came the point when colic reared it’s ugly head… I can’t speak for all babies with regard to colic, but I do know that my children both experienced it to some degree. Colic is when healthy babies cry for more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week and atleast 3 weeks. I look back and I don’t know how I managed to get through it!

Surviving the first year with a newborn. Less colic and more smiles! #formulaforhapiness #ad #gerber

Since I had already tried using regular Gerber® infant formulas. Gerber® Good Start® Soothe Infant Formula seemed like the best option to try. Always check with your pediatrician first – Infant probiotics are also a great way to help baby process what you feed them by introducing good bacteria into their digestive tract. Bonus – It’s also GMO free!

Surviving the first year with a newborn. Less colic and more smiles! #formulaforhapiness #ad #gerber

Gerber® Soothe products contain L. reuteri which is a comforting probiotic that is safe for infants and similar to those found in breastmilk. Gerber® Good Start® Soothe Infant formula is specially designed to ease excessive crying, colic, fussiness and gas while providing complete nutrition.

Check out this video – it gives you an idea of what Gerber® Good Start® Soothe Infant formula is all about!


I’d love to hear your input! Are you expecting or are you already a mom who’s gone through this? What were YOUR best ways of soothing your baby through the colic stage?

If you are ever at a loss, don’t feel alone! Gerber has different experts available (Registered Dietitians, Certified Lactation Consultant and Certified Baby Sleep Consultant) to answer any questions. 1-800-203-4565



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