
This second go-round of care for baby has been so much easier thus far. Most all moms I’ve talked to on the subject of having multiple children told me that I’d be a lot more relaxed this time – and they were right. When I was a new mom with JP, I freaked out about e v e r y t h i n g only to learn that most of it was normal occurrences with babies. I’m not sure what I would have done without my What to Expect® The First Year book to reassure me that everything was A-Ok. Reading definitely makes the idle time spent rocking in a chair go by so much quicker!


I’m back reading What to Expect® The First Year again because it’s been awhile and it helps me feel prepared when something out of the ordinary happens with the baby. Bright orange poop? Projectile spit up? Crying all night? This book has an answers for it all. Before baby, I loved having the book What to Expect® When You’re Expecting because there’s sooo many strange and wonderful things happening to your body when you’re pregnant. Some are pleasant (fuller breasts) and some not so pleasant – like morning sickness. Either way, when I noticed something change I was able to find a passage that reassured me everything was normal. Towards the end of my pregnancy, I turned to the book’s expertise because my fingers were tingling and found that it was a very common occurrence for mamas in the 3rd trimester.

As time goes on, and my baby morphs into a toddler I have “What to Expect the Second Year” to look forward to reading. It will definitely help give me perspective on understanding toddler meltdowns and the aggravating “no” stage.

What to Expect® When You're Expecting #AD

The beauty of these books is not only are they relevant now, but they will be relevant to our daughters someday. Even though my little peanut is only 4 months, One day she will be a grown woman with all the same questions about her pregnancy should she decide to have children. One day these books will be hers and everything between the covers will still hold truth as it did today.

Plus they look cute on her bookcase for now!

What to Expect® When You're Expecting #AD

Topping the New York Times Bestseller list, What to Expect® When You’re Expecting has become a longstanding favorite among pregnant women for over a decade. It is the book recommended most by moms and doctors alike to help women understand their bodies and our babies

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.







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