What do you do when ants on a log just aren’t cool anymore…?

Let me start this story by saying how much easier it is when babies are infants to get them to eat their veggies. Both my kids always loved mealtime and would eat anything I gave them – even crazy concoctions of kale and spinach. But somewhere in the change from infant to toddler, things shifted … Continue Reading

Brighter mornings with VitaTops MuffinTops for breakfast

Let me start by saying this – I am not a morning person. Nope. never have been and probably never will… Either way, I must still rise and shine every morning to get kids off to school and get myself started for the day. Since I’m ravenous when I wake up I need to eat … Continue Reading

Baking an immaculate peppermint bundt cake

Okay.. I think it’s very possible that I’ve landed on one of the most delicious cakes I’ve ever baked! See the above cake? Well… It lasted all of about 24 hours before my husband and I were fighting over the last crumb. Remember that time I mentioned I was pouring over my mom’s old recipes … Continue Reading