Being a kid is filled with good times because there’s always something to keep it fun and interesting and as a mom, it’s tough to figure out what the something should be! This week I decided to try something different and let go of the worry of mess making and let my kids be kids. I thought that making my own bath paints would be a great way to disguise my son’s dreaded ‘bath time’ as play time. “You mean I get to paint the walls in the bath tub??”, he asked excitedly. “Yes,” I answered, “you get to make a huge mess!”

I started with some half empty bottles of baby shampoo and added 4-5 tablespoons of cornstarch in through a paper funnel I made. Then I added some food coloring and shake – instant bath paint. Shhhh – don’t tell your son that’s its really soap!

Bath paint DIY with baby shampoo #CareToRecycle #CG

So I dunked my 2 little monkeys in the tub and let them have at it. Right away, JP got to smothering himself in it, and then turned to his little sister and covered her up with it. She mostly did the watching while JP painted a huge mess on the tub wall. There was lots of laughs, screams and giggles – a perfect way to end the day if you ask me!

Bath paint DIY with baby shampoo #CareToRecycle #CG

Bath paint DIY with baby shampoo #CareToRecycle #CG

I love this craft because not only does it get my boy (who hates baths) to get in the tub without an argument, it also gives another use for the bottle the shampoo came in. Johhnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. is creating awareness for recycling through their Care to Recycle® program, and it’s all about the importance of recycling personal care products used in your bathroom and its many benefits for your household.

Bath paint DIY with baby shampoo #CareToRecycle #CG

It really does not take much to get your kids excited about recycling. Now that we have 4 bottles, JP is already on a mission to save more empty bottles so we can add some new colors to the lineup. Recycling can be disguised as something fun and I believe  it’s important for our children to embrace it. After all, they will inherit this planet – it’s our duty to teach them how to keep it pretty!

The more you know about what’s recyclable, the more likely you are to do it. For tips and tools to become a better recycler, visit

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.



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